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odessarabاكواد لعمل ايطارات للمنتدى من الجوانب ومن فوق ومن تحت ((حصرى على بحيرة الاشهار))تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2021 7:17 pm من طرف odessarabشاومي نوت 10 برو الاسطورة المزيفة تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2021 9:45 am من طرف odessarabخاصية الجديده من أبل appleتحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2021 9:44 am من طرف odessarabrealme C11تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد أغسطس 29, 2021 9:42 am من طرف odessarabتحميل لعبة GTA SAN ANDREASتحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10السبت يونيو 05, 2021 12:33 am من طرف odessarabفلاشة SAMSUNG A30 ARABIC تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10السبت يونيو 05, 2021 12:27 am من طرف odessarabjabal solo squad pubg mobileتحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد يناير 10, 2021 1:12 pm من طرف odessarabتحميل فيلم الأكشن والفانتازيا العائلى Eragon مدبلج للغة العربية بمساحة 292 ميجا على أكثر من سيرفرتحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الإثنين ديسمبر 07, 2020 9:23 pm من طرف odessarabتصميم و تنفيذ قوالب حقن البلاستيك (كتاب كامل)تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الإثنين مارس 19, 2018 10:33 pm من طرف odessarabحصريا من اوديسا قارئ ملفات pdf Foxit PDF Editor 2.2.1 Build 1119 تحميل مباشر تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الخميس يناير 11, 2018 6:18 am من طرف odessarabعسى خير غياب حنينتحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الثلاثاء أغسطس 15, 2017 6:18 pm من طرف odessarabعضو جديد يرغب في الاستفادةتحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الثلاثاء أغسطس 15, 2017 5:51 pm من طرف odessarabتعريب حصري لجوال Samsung S8600 Wave 3تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد أغسطس 06, 2017 11:44 am من طرف odessarabتحميل لعبة Gothic 2: Night of the Raven (2005) تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد مارس 26, 2017 12:16 pm من طرف odessarabللدلال و الرفاهيه عنوان مساج في شرم الشيختحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد يناير 15, 2017 1:42 pm من طرف 
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 تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مؤسس المنتدى

مؤسس المنتدى

المشاركات : 13773
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2009
نقاط : 27901
متصفحي : mozilla
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام كامل
الأوسمة الادارة
مُساهمةموضوع: تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا    تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الأحد فبراير 13, 2011 12:47 pm

تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا

مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا

تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  1263512037_logo500_plug-insuite5_1_l

OnOne Plug-In Suite - A complete
set of plug-ins from onOne Software, submitted in one package. Includes
six plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop: Genuine Fractals 6, Mask Pro 4,
PhotoTune 3, FocalPoint 2, PhotoTools 2.5 and PhotoFrame 4.5. Using a
set of plug-ins OnOne Plug-In Suite 5.1, you can perform many tasks
associated with resizing images, removing backgrounds and the creation
of masks, images, color manipulation and focus, Imposing various
photographs, and many others. Starting with version 5.1, OnOne Plug-In
Suite now supports Photoshop CS5 and has preliminary support for Adobe
Lightroom 3.

The package includes:

  • Genuine Fractals Pro 6.0.8.
    Designed to increase image size up to 1000% or more with virtually no
    loss of quality, which are observed in the standard scaling method used
    in Adobe Photoshop. In the sixth version of Genuine Fractals 6 Pro adds
    the ability to batch process images, presented a tool for splitting an
    image into smaller size for the printer of small size, improved
    templates for cropping and resizing. Added support for Adobe Photoshop
    CS4 and Adobe Lightroom 2. In Genuine Fractals using fractal method for
    increasing. Each section image is stretched according to its local
    geometrical characteristics. This avoids the usual artifacts of
    interpolation: vertical and horizontal lines between contrasting areas
    are not washed away, along the oblique teeth are not formed, and around
    sharp corners - halos, contrasting textures do not lose their sharpness,
    but do not turn into a lattice of enlarged pixels. Interpolation
    algorithms implemented in onOne Genuine Fractals Pro v6.0, based on
    image encoding method of IFS (Iterated Functions System), in which every
    image is considered as a fractal (infinitely scalable) set. The program
    is framed as a loadable module for Adobe Photoshop, which complements
    the list of formats available for reading and writing, two more points -
    *. STN and *. FIF. These images are "dimensionless": every time I open
    them, the user can specify the desired him permission. onOne Genuine
    Fractals Pro can change the features of the texture presets easy even
    for novice users, the new settings to control the detailing-tion figure,
    the sharpness and the existence of "seed" with the ability to control
    outcomes. An additional advantage of the format FIF (Fractal Image
    Format) is compatible with some programs for viewing images.
  • PhotoTools 2.5.5 Professional Edition.
    Plug-ins are based on Photoshop Actions and provide an opportunity to
    apply more than 270 effects. The composition of the professional version
    is still one hundred and twenty additional effects. With the help of
    plug-ins can perform color correction, add the effects of polarization,
    solarization, blueprints, and many others. Before you apply the effect
    to an image, you can see how it will look in the preview window. Both
    the plugin give the ability to perform the processing images in batch
    mode, applying effects directly to all the images placed in the selected
    folder. Moreover, images can have different output format and
    resolution, they can also be added votermark. The second version
    introduces a new effects library, improved mode of organizing effects by
    category, added a new mode of searching by keywords, added the ability
    to view the preliminary blank effects, the ability to create masks for
    each effect. The professional version also supports plug-in Photoshop
    Lightroom 2 and Apple Aperture 2.1.
  • PhotoFrame 4.5.3 Professional Edition. Designed
    to create a framework. The plugin allows you to create virtually any
    frame - volume, with luminosity, using textures, cast shadows, etc.
    PhotoFrame comes in two versions - standard ($ 160) and Professional ($
    260). From the standard version of the plug Professional Edition is
    distinguished by the extra frame, combined in a collection of Pro
    Digital Frame Bundle. This collection framework was previously available
    as a separate product. The latest version adds support for the programs
    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 and Apple Aperture 2.1, introduces a new
    library framework, improved tools for library management, changes in the
    interface, it is possible to combine up to 32 frames, each using its
    own layer.
  • FocalPoint 2.0.3. Addition
    is intended to create vignettes and adding effects to the image focus.
    This effect is very popular, particularly in wedding and portrait
    photography - the focus remains only the main object, and everything
    blurred. In FocalPoint there are many possibilities for creating
    different effects of this kind: it is possible to simulate the effect of
    blurring the motion, brighten or darken image areas that did not come
    into focus, etc. The plugin supports saving created with the help of
    effects as templates for repeated use in the future.
  • Mask Pro 4.1.9a. The plugin
    provides the designer a complete set of intuitive and easy to use tools
    for masking objects, and uses technology to keep colors as accurate as
    possible and clean the edges of the object. The new version has support
    for Tablet Wacom. Mask Pro 4 will be displayed in the toolbars digital
    equivalents of the values of the settings, if necessary, to make
    automatic scrolling images, a new palette allows the user to accurately
    determine the allocated color. Aktivirutsya plugin in Photoshop only to
    create a mask on the duplicate layer.
  • PhotoTune 3.0.4. The
    structure of this module consists of two separate components - Color MD
    2.0 (ColorTune) and SkinTune 2.0. ColorTune is a universal solution for
    the correction of digital images. The plugin works as a step wizard in
    each stage of which the user is prompted to choose a more successful
    version of the corrected images of the two options. SkinTune - this
    plugin allows to remove the portraits disadvantages associated with
    improper lighting. Its uniqueness is that it takes into account skin
    color. When the same light skin is different colors will be covered
    differently. If you take a picture of two people with different skin
    colors in the same conditions, one picture may be better than another.
    (To get started, SkinTune necessarily need to specify which race belongs
    to the man in the portrait, and then choose on the face of a bad lot -
    too shady or too bleached. Based on this information, the filter will
    select the optimum balance of light on the image and give the skin a
    natural shade.)

The main functions of OnOne Plug-In Suite 5:

  • Resizing images with Genuine Fractals 6
  • Removing unwanted backgrounds from pictures using Mask Pro 4
  • Color correction with PhotoTune 3
  • Overlay focus on objects with FocalPoint 2
  • Getting professional-looking photos with PhotoTools 2.5
  • Add frames to your photos with PhotoFrame 4.5


  • Enter in the License Number, any 18 numbers.
  • Click Manual Activation.
  • Run the keygen from the folder redt and paste data from it in the Unlocking Code.
  • Click Activate.

تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  5acef069e8cd


Download the package OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 (1,6 MB):

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 توقيع yuri19_86

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مجلس الادارة

المشاركات : 10238
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/03/2010
نقاط : 18872
متصفحي : mozilla
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام كامل
الأوسمة تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Empty
عضو مميز تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Fgfgf
العمر : 32
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا    تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الجمعة فبراير 18, 2011 9:03 am

تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا

مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا

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 توقيع ɱɨʂɦȏȏƞą

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو Vip
تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Stars6

المشاركات : 6879
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
نقاط : 12006
متصفحي : mozilla
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام كامل
العمر : 26
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا    تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2  حصرياا على اوديسا  Psd10الجمعة فبراير 17, 2012 5:38 pm

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مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: تحميل للفوتوشوب OnOne Software Plug-In Suite 5.1.2 حصرياا على اوديسا

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