مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: تحميل برنامج كاشف التعاريف الافضل DriverMax Pro 5.7 باخر اصدار حصريا من اوديسا
DriverMax will help to quickly and
easily reinstall all the drivers Windows. DriverMax collects information about
installed drivers in the system and displays a list of devices that use them.
Provides information on the driver version, date created, the developer, the
number of files and availability of digital signatures. Then you can just export
them to a separate folder, or packed in ZIP-archive, and after reinstalling
Windows install all you need from one source. Using the Import Wizard you can
use all the saved drivers just 5 minutes. Thus, you no longer have to have at
hand a lot of discs to different devices.
DriverMax identifies the drivers
installed on your system and allows them to archive the case of system
reinstall. The program is very easy to use and allows to quickly install the
system drivers stored in the archive.
Perhaps you think that will reset all the stuffing, which was on the disk,
for example, with a sound card. But it does not - will be reinstalled only the
driver itself, and multimedia applications, diagnostic programs and so on - is a
program leaves you. Therein lies the problem. On the other hand, not everybody
needs these numerous programs, and this category of people should be acquainted
with the program, at least for the sake of interest. Interface, as well as its
organization of work are very simple and ergonomic. Deal with it is not
The program will help you easily and quickly pereutanovit all the device
drivers that are needed for proper operation of the devices on your computer in
Windows. Simply export them to a folder or file, and after reinstalling Windows
to install all the necessary from the same source.
must undergo a free registration on the website developers.
Download DriverMax Pro 5.7 (5,57 MB):