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 تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013

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المشاركات : 13773
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2009
نقاط : 28067
متصفحي : mozilla
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مُساهمةموضوع: تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013   تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 Psd10الأربعاء مارس 27, 2013 9:19 pm

تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013

مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 Bundle_boxshot
Topaz Photoshop Bundle - a set of plug-known company Topaz Labs for Adobe Photoshop CS3 - CS6, as well as Photoshop Elements 6 and above. Plugins are designed to control a plug, simulating oil painting and watercolors, noise reduction, separation of the object from the background and association with other images, sharpening and much more.
تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_160758

  • Instantly convert your photos into an exciting art
  • Control of the artistic process with an infinitely configurable options
  • Use simple, fast and easy to master sliders
  • Maximizing productivity through the use of a number of built-in presets
  • Save your settings in your own presets
  • Take advantage of multiple processors for faster processing
  • Using Smart Photoshop filter for convenient and non-destructive editing
Topaz Adjust HDR - plug-in adjusts and makes manipulation of images to Photoshop. Easily and effectively take full control over image exposure, color, and detail for stunning creative effects and automated exposure correction. Topaz uses advanced algorithms to achieve unique effects in seconds.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_161956
Features plug-in:

  • The interface allows you to make real-time preview of the proposed effect of each preset
  • Hot keys, for example, the spacebar to switch between the original and processed images, the + and - keys zoom in and out - zoom the preview, and the arrow keys to change settings
  • Importing settings allow you to import directly from the Internet ready-made presets
  • Support presets, which provide for some common tasks with one button
  • Customizable interface with switchable panels
  • Improved noise reduction tool
  • Intelligent improved image detail
  • Unique color effects in advanced color processing
  • Preview each preset in real time
  • Hotkeys
  • Many built-in presets and the ability to create your own

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_153401
Topaz Clean - uses a unique structural image enhancement filter that removes noise and simultaneously increases the sharpness of the edges. Topaz Clean filter is designed to remove noise from the RGB-image. Unlike most modern methods of noise suppression, which are mainly based on the wavelet method, a unique method of filter Topaz Clean allows you to achieve excellent results without calibration chamber to create a "noise profile" or dig with a large number of parameters. In addition, it creates sharp edges and reduces color blurring of contours.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155401
DeJPEG - plug-in for Photoshop removes JPEG artifacts and enhances image clarity simultaneously. Each of us know little squares and blurring compression JPEG. Of course, this is unbearable and very, very frustrating, but we were able to get used to it. Topaz Labs finally solved this problem by releasing JPEG enhancer. This plug-in for Photoshop, with which you can remove the squares and improve image clarity. They are very easy to use, it is acceptable to everyone, because the plugin uses advanced algorithms, always reaching the optimal result.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_162239
DeJPEG supports:

  • 8-bit and 16-bit channel.
  • action scripts and Photoshop.
  • Batch processing of multiple images.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155523
Key features:

  • A significant improvement in the quality of JPEG images
  • Maintenance and improvement of detail JPEG images
  • Elimination of JPEG compression artifacts
  • Restoring the image information from damaged JPEG files
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Using the built-in presets to achieve results quickly
Topaz DeNoise - is an advanced noise reduction plug-in for Adobe Photoshop. It uses a new and powerful method of filtering noise. This is a new technology that has been created over the past few years, most detailed image while reducing noise. Simply and effectively reduces noise in images without reducing the quality of parts.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155540
Topaz Detail - the emergence of the luminous halo - one of the main problems of post-processing after the creation of HDR images. Topaz Labs has developed embedded in many image editors, including Adobe Photoshop, plug-in Topaz Detail which will help resolve this problem. Topaz Detail is also ideally suited to increase or decrease sharpness, as well as to convert images to grayscale, with full control of tonal range.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155610
Topaz ReMask - plugin created to help photographers, designers, amateurs do graphics and is designed to mask and decomposition of photos or simply separation of the object from the background in the photographs, and smooth integration with other images. ReMask save you from tedious and time consuming work on the separation of the smallest details such as hair, fog, fur. Easily integrates with Photoshop and expands the functionality of the masking process has advanced masking algorithms that accurately isolate the desired object from the general background and properly fit it into another image.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_162656
New features:

  • Significantly improved algorithms for masking a more detailed treatment of hair and other small parts
  • Saving results in a separate layer mask if you have included at least one
  • Simple cut the background image, if you do not want to use a layer mask
  • Four types of display all aspects of your mask
  • Undo and Redo
  • New support for keyboard shortcuts
  • Significantly improved memory management

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155859
Topaz Simplify - plug plug-in Photoshop to create a picture using a type of artistic influence - simulates painting in oil and watercolor, opens up new possibilities for any photographer. A few extra minutes of processing and you will get a fine blend of photography and art.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_162827
Plugin features:

  • Instantly convert your photos into an exciting art
  • Control of the artistic process with an infinitely configurable options
  • Use simple, fast and easy to master sliders
  • Maximizing productivity through the use of a number of built-in presets
  • Save your settings in your own presets
  • Take advantage of multiple processors for faster processing
  • Using Smart Photoshop filter for convenient and non-destructive editing

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155913
Topaz InFocus plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, designed to sharpen images and deblurring. Topaz InFocus uses the latest advancements in image deconvolution technology to restore, refine and sharpness of image details. Topaz InFocus uses image deconvolution, back image blur, increasing the actual sharpness. InFocus may increase the clarity of the well focused image, and blurred out of focus or image made ​​the move.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_163017
Main functions:

  • Improving sharpness, clarity, and clarity of the images.
  • Focus - the reverse process spread of the image, restores the original image details that were out of focus or blurred ... Method similar to the one that is used in forensic and police photographers.
  • Restore true color and detail, due to the natural characteristics: unclear weather nebula (distortion caused by atmospheric effects).
  • Micro-contrast fine detail, used to enrich subtle structure features.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155628
Topaz Lens Effects simulates the effects of realistic lenses, filters and special effects camera. In the plug used a completely new interface. The simple, but at the same time unique and effective way to create depth maps. Lens element makes it easy to highlight your focal point photo and minimize distracting elements to create beautiful bokeh effects and take a full and creative control over your image. You can create a variety of effects without additional equipment. The main elements of Topaz Lens Effects includes 26 effects styles in the left panel, each of them has a few presets. But not limited to your selection, editing, because you can adjust the angle, intensity, etc. each effect to your liking.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_163321
Key features Lens Effects:

  • Smart Brush. Brush for easy adjustment of the election in your chosen field
  • Gradient tool - the tool "Gradient" to easily create a depth map.
  • Stack multiple effects and presets - stack to apply multiple effects and presets during the same workflow.
  • Tilt-shift effect - the effect of the shift - to create an amazing little miniature scenes.
  • Sharpening algorithm - a powerful algorithm field.
  • Split Screen - Using a split screen for easy viewing before and after treatment.
  • Effect Center - the center of the image selection to apply effects
  • Click to position - click anywhere in the slider to move to adjust the values.
  • Interface Style Option - style interface options to select from light or dark colors.
  • List of effects: 26 imitation cameras, lens effects and filters with more than 170 presets for quick and easy workflow with unlimited creative possibilities. Also works with a graphics tablet.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_155720
The main effects:

  • Bokeh - aesthetic background blur to focus attention on the image.
  • Vignette - (vignette) the gradual blurring of the edges of the image by darkening or lighting to draw attention to the center.
  • Color Filters - one or two color filters, tone correction, and leveling vychitaniyai color.
  • Graduated ND - exposure control and balance between earth and sky, darkening the bright areas.
  • Tilt-Shift - Custom setting the focal plane and with the ability to create unique perspectives and effects of miniaturization.
  • Old School - (old school) to combine several colors, vignetting and film grain effect to create pictures of the old school.
  • Creative Blur - creative blurring and distortion of the image of your choice.
  • Motion - (move) motion effects using tools that mimic the zoom, scroll, rotate, pan, and vibration.
Topaz B & W Effects - plug-in that converts your color images into stunning black-and-white composition! B & W Effects provides new features that allow you to create stunning images easier than ever with over 150 pressetov simulating the effects of historical images, conventional and stylized photographic processes. Topaz B & W Effects is not just a traditional tool for black-and-white conversion, B & W Effects offers unique effects and improved tools with flexible configuration options for every taste.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_163816
Here are 10 of the key features:

  • Many presets. An extensive library with over 150 presets simulating traditional and alternative B & W processes!
  • Pressetov collection. All presets are divided into seven special unique collection Topaz,: Traditional Collection, Van Dyke Brown Collection, Stylized Collection, Toned Collection, Cyanotype Collection, Opalotype Collection and the Albumen Collection, which will simulate historical printing processes. This allows you to give the image the effect of authenticity.
  • Selective Brush - Brush selection. Intuitive selective adjustment brush for burning, increasing the contrast (dodging), color and detail - plus the option of faces.
  • True Grain Filter & Grain Creation. Choose the grain of your favorite movies or making your own grain.
  • Adaptive Exposure - adaptive exposure. Topaz Adjust symbiosis with B & W Effects to create dynamic detail and exposure.
  • Quad Tone. Allows you to select and apply four different shades in your image.
  • Creative Effects - creative effects. Includes popular features from favorites such as Topaz Adjust, Simplify and Lens Effects to improve your creative images.
  • Finishing Touches - the finishing touches. Includes the effects of adding an image finishing touches, such as borders, vignetting, and more.
  • Effect enable / disable - enable / disable effects. Option in the preview, which will hide or view a set of adjustments for easy comparison with CTR.
  • Step by step the actions of all the tools to facilitate your editing process.

تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 2013_02_24_153846
The plugin is easy to learn, because the interface, in general, about the same as all the plug-ins from Topaz.

  • Presets / Effects Preview - window in which you can see in real-time image after applying the presets and effects.
  • Presets Panel - panel, which displays a list of presets and effects.
  • Preview Window - the preview window, which can be made for the possibility of a double view before and after the effect.
  • Preview Navigator - Navigator window, where you can see the selected area of ​​the original image
  • Settings & Parameters - setting panel editing options, with the sliders, can set the center of the image to apply effects presets, and depending on the selected preset will also change parameter settings.
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Download the package Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 (445.49 MB):
تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 353517

 توقيع yuri19_86

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المشاركات : 12848
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/02/2010
نقاط : 23420
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013   تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 Psd10الإثنين أبريل 08, 2013 8:47 am

تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013

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المشاركات : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/05/2013
نقاط : 4213
متصفحي : mozilla
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام كامل
العمر : 55
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013   تحميل جميع برامج  Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013 Psd10الخميس مايو 16, 2013 10:19 am

تحميل جميع برامج Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013

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المشاركات : 4399
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