مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: تحميل برنامج Picture Collage Maker Pro 2.3.2 Build 2998
Picture Collage Maker - Easy to
use program for creating collages from your photos. A simple interface
and many templates allow easy creation of various photo collages
(calendars , greeting cards, invitations, posters, etc. ), even for
inexperienced users. Creating a collage - a relaxing time , an adult
manner , helping to transform the collected photos into precious
memories . This is an easy way to create collages using rotation, sizing
, regulations, frames , masking , merging and applying different
effects to each image separately . The result can be saved in formats
JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, WMF, TGA, PNG or installed as a wallpaper for your
desktop .
Key features:
- Extremely easy to use program
- Quickly create a collage within minutes
- Using the wizard to create collages
- Edit in real time
- Supports image formats JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, WMF, TGA and PNG
- Using ready-made templates or create a collage from scratch
- Built-in frame , backgrounds, clipart, mask , etc
- Working with layers
- Enter text from the image
- Editable text
- Move, rotate, resize and upheaval izobrzheny
- Circumcision photos
- Using photo filters and effects
- Office of the color and brightness
- Multiple Undo
- Sending finished image by email
- Print images
- Saving a single image collage
- Setting the resulting collage as a background image desktop
Download Picture Collage Maker Pro 2.3.2
Build 2998 ( 50.4 MB) :