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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Black Beauty
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المشاركات : 8078
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/06/2010
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العمر : 34
مُساهمةموضوع: Big Kahuna Reef 2Pc game Free download   Big Kahuna Reef 2Pc game Free download Psd10السبت يونيو 19, 2010 12:07 pm

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مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: Big Kahuna Reef 2Pc game Free download

Big Kahuna Reef 2Pc game Free download

Big Kahuna Reef 2Pc game Free download BigKahunaReef2

Before we begin, let's go through our beach vacation equipment
checklist. Swim fins? Check! Snorkel and mask? Check! Bomb squad gear?
Err ... check?

We're going to need it all for Big Kahuna Reef 2: Chain Reaction. With
Reflexive Entertainment's explosive new entrant into the match-three
arena, and sequel to their 2004 super-hit Big Kahuna Reef, they seem
intent on disturbing the peace of the seas.

Game mechanics are simple. Swap two adjacent pieces on the board with
your mouse. If they form a line of three or more, they burst, you get
points and the hole is filled in from above. Create matches on top of
wooden and metal tiles, breaking them in the process, and exotic fish
are released to swim around the game board. For an added challenge, some
pieces are chained in place and need to be broken free with a match
before they can be swapped.

Big Kahuna Reef 2 gives you the option to play with or without a clock
running. So, it is up to you whether to play it fast and frantic or slow
and thoughtful. The two game modes offered, Kahuna Quest and Tiki
Challenge, are similar in nature, though the latter contains more
challenging levels and rewards you with a greater number of fish.

Subtitled Chain Reaction, the game's labeling plays out in a couple
ways. First, are bombs. Match five pieces in a row and you're given a
bomb that destroys some of the tiles around it when double-clicked, and
even more if strategically swapped with another piece. If you match more
than five, the bomb gets bigger, to the point of taking out a quarter
of the board in a nuclear blast. Moreover, every tenth level is a
bomb-stravaganza, where explosions reach all corners of the screen.

Chain Reaction levels bring another explosive element to the sea. Swap
the right puzzle pieces and you set off a cascade of combos that will
put you on the path to a big score. The more boxes you break in rapid
succession, the larger your "Tiki Totem" (a reward indicator) grows and
the more points you pick up.

Big Kahuna Reef 2 will seem largely familiar to anyone who played the
original. There's just a lot more of it:

* A whopping 700 levels, with even more available for download.

* Over 40 sea creatures to unlock for your virtual aquarium or
screensaver, from scuttling shrimp to humongous humpback whales.

* An improved, though intimidating, level editor that lets you draw
your own line art and create your own levels.

Download Link

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[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

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العمر : 28
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Big Kahuna Reef 2Pc game Free download   Big Kahuna Reef 2Pc game Free download Psd10الأحد يونيو 20, 2010 7:52 pm

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