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 فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر

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مؤسس المنتدى

مؤسس المنتدى

المشاركات : 13773
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2009
نقاط : 27854
متصفحي : mozilla
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام كامل
الأوسمة الادارة
مُساهمةموضوع: فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر   فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر Psd10الجمعة يونيو 17, 2011 9:37 pm

فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر

مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر

فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر Alice

Added repak of-Ultra-
"Alice in Wonderland" - is one of the most incredible and bizarre stories ever to tell the world under the guise of a fairy-tale.Now, co-author of the legendary Doom turned it all upside down.The game easily crossed the limits of permitted when dealing with a literary source, turning a classic story in a shell of black humor and grotesque.Alice grew up and got into a madhouse.Wonderland has undergone a lot of change: the Cheshire cat walks with an earring in his ear, adoring caterpillar mushrooms is suffering from drug addiction, the forests are full of monsters and ghosts darting about the palaces.Bloody kitchen knife and a true homing deck cards to help re-establish order Alice in dreamland.Features:

  • Together with Alice, you meet with a mass of friends, but at the same time changed greatly, and even more obsessed with heroes
  • Wild imagination of designers has created a fantastic game levels - from hanging in the air fortress doors to black and white chess kingdom, in which Alice will briefly become one of the chess pieces
  • During her travels in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass and, Alice will have to solve a lot of different tasks: somewhere Alice will have to fight somewhere to solve puzzles, and somewhere to carry out tasks of local residents
  • Entangled in a situation you do not give a Cheshire cat - he is always ready to help you somewhat insane, but still useful advice
  • Brilliant full translation into Russian, which, according to the magazine "Gambling" is "a work of jewelry"

Release Date: 2005
Genre: Action (shooter) / 3D / 3rd person
Developer: Rogue Entertainment
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Publisher in Russia: Soft Club
Publication Type: license, repack
Language: Russian
Language: Russian
Tablet: not requiredSystem requirements:

  • Os: Windows ® 95 / 98 / ME / XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
  • Cpu: AMD ® K6-2 or Intel ® Pentium ® II 400 MHz
  • Video: 16 MB video card that supports OpenGL, the driver is compatible with DirectX 7
  • Audio: Sound card compatible with DirectX 7
  • Ram: 64 MB RAM
  • Hdd: 1,5 GB

Features HD-Version:

  • HD-added texture
  • replaced / changed the texture of the 13 characters, including Alice
  • Added support for screen resolution in 16x9 and 16x10 formats

Madly Enhanced Patch:

  • Autoexec file included that squeezes the most out of the game's graphics engine
  • Sharper, more detailed skins and textures for the entire game (All Models and All Map Textures)
  • Sharper, more detailed menu screens
  • Better particle effects (Weapons, Enemies, Explosions, Bloodsprays, etc.)
  • Reworked Gibbing System (Gibs now stay almost forever)
  • Almost all mapobjects cast shadows
  • Alice's weapons have been rebalanced to make them more devastating and not use as much magic
  • Cinematics are now all in fullscreen
  • Map select menu has been added (Press "M" to activate)

Important: before installing (unpacking) to disable anti-virus, and then make an exception in the file alice.exe !Instructions for installing and running:

  1. install (unpack) game
  2. install (copy) Madly Enhanced Patch (optional)
  3. run alice.exe (folder bin)
  4. play
فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر Alice2011061617234289 فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر Alice2011061617240189 فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر Alice2011061617244225

Download Game (1.75 GB):

فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر 353517

 توقيع yuri19_86

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مجلس الادارة

مجلس الادارة

المشاركات : 10238
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/03/2010
نقاط : 18825
متصفحي : mozilla
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام كامل
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العمر : 32
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر   فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر Psd10السبت يونيو 18, 2011 7:41 am

فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر

مصدر الموضوع الاصلي: فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر

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فقط على اوديسا لعبة American McGee's Alice HD (Full / Repack) بانفراد تحميل مباشر

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